Monday, August 6, 2018

Utopia isn't so far away

After speaking with and seeing posts on various social media sites from friends I realized something. We are all hurting. We are all feeling attacked. And the solution is so simple that it hurts to think we as the human race cannot or will not try to fix it. Why is it so difficult to look at the person next to you and say "I see you hurting and want to help"???? Or even start by simply doing our best to think of the other people around us in every reaction and decision. To reach out in Love and Understanding before anything else. I constantly feel like I'm walking around wishing I could take all the angry and bitter words being thrown into the world and turning them into something else. It's like we don't realize the colossal impact our output has on everything and everyone around us.
It seems difficult because you have to change your thinking but it isn't that hard to actually put into action:

Just ask if you can help.
Simply listen without judgement.
Tell people the wonderful things you notice.
Smile at strangers.
Be generous with your time, words, and anything else you have.

All of those things are free. Let me repeat that. Those things are FREE. They don't cost money yes, but that's not all I meant. They don't cost you anything. They don't cost you to give up your beliefs or values. They don't mean that you must devote your life to something new. You don't have to change who you are. Just your output. What a drastically different world we would live in if we did those five things daily. I think we'd all say we'd much rather live in that world. So decide to. Make it happen. For me, I'm determined to do all I can by choosing to do those things and more as often as I can. Maybe it will make my life a more joyful one.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

The constant struggle of an over thinker

I love you and I’m so afraid 
It’s like a darkness constantly creeping in 
A haze, that gets thicker and thicker
Until all I can see is the worry 
All that is there is the blind panic 
That I’ll say something wrong and make you mad 
That I’ll ask you if we’re okay one too many times 
Till you’re annoyed and you’ve had enough 
I’m terrified, that maybe they were right 
Maybe my inner voice is right 
I’m too difficult to love 
I mess up too much 
I’m too complicated 
And needy 
And overwhelming
And you’re going to finally feel it
And leave. 
I’m afraid to ask for reassurance, 
I don’t want to be annoying, 
so I don’t.
And the fear grows.
But you see, it’s a cycle where
Neither choice has a positive outcome. 
So round and round I go on this nightmare of a ride 
But somewhere deep,
In the center of my guarded heart, 
There’s this frightful sliver of hope that maybe you could 
Love me enough to never feel that way. 
To never give up, 
Or call it quits. 
But I’m also petrified because - 
I don’t know how to tell if you love me that much 
I don’t even know if it’s possible to love me that much. 

After all, I’m too hard to love. 

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

An Undervalued Courage

It takes a daring woman to see the strength
of remaining soft in a hard world.
To love like you've never been hurt,
when your heart has been broken many times.
I think the greatest act of bravery is to recognize that
loving someone makes you vulnerable,
but refusing to stop.
To be courageous enough
to look that vulnerability in the face and say
"I will not back down,
no matter how many times you try to stop me
I will love boldly."
is a power few people possess.

so many questions and no answers

Is it worth it?
What if I hold myself back and you don't realize how much I want this to work?
Is it worth it?
Could this finally be the time I fall, and he catches me?
Is it worth it?
If not, will I be able to pick myself up AGAIN and start over?
Is it worth it?
Is letting myself fall in love another bad choice, or a good one?
Is it worth it?
Can I pour out my thoughts and feelings without being afraid of the repercussions?
Is it worth it?

The trouble is - there's only one way to find out.

when you can't sleep because the voices and memories won't stop. get it all out on paper.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

"those" days

when i think of you
i'm drowning
sinking into an icy pit
of sorrow
in repressed silence

- jainedoe

Monday, November 13, 2017

To my Anxiety

Why do you always tear at me,
like claws removing flesh?
Yet hide behind the guise of help
like you're putting "lies" to death?
We both know you're the liar,
the accuser and the fraud.
Falsifying honesty and truth
playing at god.
I've never heard a good thing from you,
you've only ever held me back;
put me down, picked me apart,
acquainted me with what I lack.
You question everything I do
until I'm feeling sick.
You keep me up, won't let me rest
till my heart's a hefty brick.
You take the fear I feel
and magnify it so immense
I swear I'll spiral down forever,
drown in horror so intense;
that when I finally get a chance to breathe
a clear moment in the storm -
I grasp at sudden clarity
before you're back to misinform.
I'm tired of this battle,
endless barrage of guilt and pain.
Quit stealing good things in my life
and flushing them down the drain.
I'm quite aware you'll never leave.
this is always how it's been.
But I'm getting better every day
at not letting you win.

- jainedoe