Sunday, October 8, 2017

Three Wishes

If I had three wishes, I'd wish the whole world blind.
That poverty and hunger befall all of humankind.
That every creature lose the thing their heart adores the most.
That every strength and skill be taken so no mouth can try to boast.
I'd bid each individual be lost - a lonely, yearning soul.
That every body be taken ill, let diseases take their toll.
Let fires burn and floods abound - loose nature on us all.
Drop every mortal to their knees; let every human fall.
And when we all have had enough, when each heart can understand
I'd wish it all away again, reach out and touch a hand.
For once you've lost your sight, what does color even mean?
And once you feel the pain of hunger, once your body's been unclean,
once you've begged and gotten nothing, eaten garbage you could find -
is it really very difficult to give time, money, be KIND?
When your heart's been intimate with deepest grief and sorrow
It's easy sharing hope with one another for tomorrow
Once we truly understood, another person's pain
Our response could be so different, we could finally break hate's chain.
In place of rage or judgement, instead of greed or apathy
I'd wish us all a loving heart, compassion, grace, and empathy.


One of my favorites


Erin Hanson

Friday, October 6, 2017

It all starts with the turning of a page...

"She reads books as one would breathe air, to fill up and LIVE"

Ahh Music

Sing in favor of imagination
change silence
exclaim eternal satisfaction without pausing
reach toward silvered surprise

Blackout poetry - Ocean waves

Water moaning
wave after wave on the beach
A reflection of a different sort

I found an old book at a garage sale for a quarter and decided to try out blackout poetry! So far it's been really relaxing and a great way to create, even when my mind is tired from a long day.